
Mercedes-Benz - global automotive marque installs NOVENCO car park ventilation system

For the latest pride of Mercedes-Benz, a modern office building in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands, NOVENCO Building & Industry was awarded the contract for re-design of the two-layer car park ventilation system, component delivery, installation and certification according to the Dutch BRL-K21025 for certification of Smoke Control Systems. The system from NOVENCO Building & Industry consists of 18 pcs jet fans type AUO 290, one large axial flow fan type ACN 1000 for air supply and two large extract shafts fitted with two axial flow fans type ACN 1000, which ensure safe and efficient extraction of the polluted air mixture from the car park facility.

Read the whole case story here


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NOVENCO Building & Industry
Oeverup Erhvervsvej 50-52
4700 Naestved

Tel. +45 70 77 88 99
[email protected]
DK 16 92 66 47

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Monday - Thursday 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM CET
Friday 8.00 AM to 3.30 PM CET

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Monday - Thursday 6.30 AM to 2.30 PM CET
Friday 6.30 AM to 2.00 PM CET