Sustainability Icon

Our globally installed NOVENCO® ZerAx® fans save energy and reduce CO2 emissions due to approx. 20% better efficiency compared to other fans. The below graphic summarises the reductions.

Last month

26.1 k

60.4 k

5.3 k

Accumulated since 2009

474.1 k

1097.5 k

95.6 k

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NOVENCO Building & Industry
Oeverup Erhvervsvej 50-52
4700 Naestved

Tel. +45 70 77 88 99
[email protected]
DK 16 92 66 47

Opening hours OFFICE
Monday - Thursday 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM CET
Friday 8.00 AM to 3.30 PM CET

Opening hours GOODS IN and OUT
Monday - Thursday 6.30 AM to 2.30 PM CET
Friday 6.30 AM to 2.00 PM CET